Therapeutic Interventions for Gait Training

Stroke survivors now face the next challenge— improving their gait. Choosing a reliable Physical Therapy in Monmouth County is a critical task to ensure your loved one’s safety and progress.

There are different components in a gait training program. Apart from the core components, certain aspects are personalized based on the patient’s condition and objectives. There are therapeutic interventions that can be incorporated into the patient’s improvement plan.

A good start is to increase the patient’s muscle strength and coordination. Walking or movement happens when our muscles have just the right strength required and are coordinated to perform as expected. Another intervention is to increase the patient’s cardiovascular fitness, which will help them endure the training program. This is connected to the component where walking endurance and velocity are improved.

Interventions around increasing flexibility are also important for balance and movement. The program includes increasing dynamic or moving balance and static or standing balance. The interventions will not be complete without educating the patients on safety and what they can do to ensure they are safe throughout the gait training.

We also encourage education and training on the use of assistive devices. When the situation calls for assistive devices, having this support during the training can be a great boost to the patient.

Let us get you started with our Medicare Approved Physical Therapy.

Mobility & Motion LLC delivers Home Care Physical Therapy in Freehold, New Jersey. Enjoy a Hands On Therapy in New Jersey.

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